Terms & Conditions

Important Information

Date of Carnival: ..2025
Venue: Elthorne Park W7 2AD
Park Opening: 07:30
Arrival of stall holders: From 08:00
Set up time: 08:00-11:15
Vehicles out of the park by: 11:00

Start of day:

Stall holders are advised to arrive at Elthorne Park from 7.45am, allowing sufficient time to complete set up by 11:15 am. It is up to the individual stall holder to plan their set up to ensure these timings are met. Please study the enclosed map and stall allocation document so you know where your stall is on arrival. Carnival stewards will be available to help you locate your pitch, but they are very busy on the day.

End of day:

It is important to note that the number of carnival goers has increased over the years and regularly reaches 20,000 people. We will try to ensure a smooth exit for stall holders at the end of the day, but our priority is the safety of everyone in the park. As such, vehicles will not be allowed to move or enter the park until it is deemed safe to do so by the Park Operations Manager. We anticipate that this will be approximately 18:30; however, should the park still have too many people inside at this time, entrance of vehicles onto the site may be delayed. With this in mind, if you need to leave early it will be wise to plan ahead and either find someone else to breakdown your stall or seek alternative means of transportation home.

Your pitch

Please see enclosed a map of the park and a list of all stalls with corresponding positions. Please note that we have tried our utmost to accommodate all requests. Ensure you check the information carefully and notify us if anything is incorrect (e.g. your pitch's measurements don't match those submitted) as soon as possible.

Note that no changes can be made to positions other than in very exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Carnival Team.

If you are having difficulties locating your spot on the day, please contact a Carnival representative. (Orange surcoat with Steward on the back)



The speed limit onsite is 5 MPH. All vehicles moving in the park must have their hazard lights ON. Any vehicle larger than a car must use a pedestrian guide when manoeuvring.

Please note that vehicles are not permitted in the park after 11:00 and will not be allowed to enter the park until after 18:30 (depending on activity in the park, this time is subject to review by the Park Operations Manager).

For Health & Safety requirements, no vehicle will be allowed to move between the hours of 11:00 and 18:30 (exceptions to the rule apply, such as St. John Ambulance and Emergency Services).

To avoid congestion, we operate a one-way system for vehicles during setup and cleardown on carnival day. Incoming vehicles should use the BLUE route on the map, turning down Vicarage Lane next to the church. Vehicles leaving the park should use the service gate directly on to Boston Manor Road, marked in GREEN.


08.00 - 11:45
18:15 - 19:30

To access the carpark outside of these times you will need to contact The security person outside St Thomas's Hall

The car park is exclusively for stall-holders and traders to the Carnival. To avoid confusion with Carnival-goers, please note no signage to the car park will be displayed on the day so make sure you know your way before you arrive. Marshals will control the traffic in and out of the park and car park and will be able to provide assistance.



Please make sure you print and bring your PARKING PASSES (enclosed) that you requested on your application (you can apply for a maximum of 2). Write the name of your organisation in the space designated and display on the windscreen.

Please note that entrance to the car park will be monitored and no further vehicles than those requested on the forms will be granted admission. Directions to the car park are shown on the enclosed pass.

Facilities for Stall Holders in the park

Traders are expected to bring all the materials and provisions needed for their trading on the day, including furniture.
A source of drinking water will be available for traders' use at the park. Toilet facilities are also available on site. Please note there are no power supply facilities available for traders on the day.
For charity and trade stalls, small generators are allowed in the park if enough notice is given and depending on the potential disruption to stalls nearby. These must be set up in the generator bays provided, which may be up to 20 metres from the stall. Stallholders must bring sufficient cabling to connect, and this must be laid in the safety ducting provided. If you intend to use a generator, you must indicate this on the booking form as it may influence the siting of your stall.

Health & Safety

All food and drink traders are required to have valid insurance and hygiene certificates.
All traders are required to have public liability insurance. If you have not already purchased the Carnival insurance (when you booked your stall) then you should scan your own certificate and send to [email protected].
Should you be unable to scan the documentation please do bring it on the day for us to check.
Should this documentation not be provided you will be unable to trade in the park.


In the case of an evacuation, stall holders should secure their cash and follow the instructions of Carnival marshals, Security staff or Police officers.

First Aid

Please bring your own first aid kit with blue coloured waterproof plasters, St Johns Ambulance will be on site for any larger injuries / Illness

Other General Issues

  1. Be prepared. We would like to stress that it is important that you bring sufficient items to the Carnival with you as access to and from the site will be difficult once the event is underway.
  2. Be careful when you are handling stock. Do not lift loads that are too heavy, ask a friend to help you.
  3. Please make sure there are no tripping hazards in and around your stall and you keep the area free of rubbish to minimise the risk of fire.
  4. Please bag all refuse throughout the day. There are skips onsite please ensure that your refuse is disposed of in the skips.
  5. There is no smoking in any Tent, Marquee, Gazebo or Vehicle.


Information for Traders using LPG or Generators

Liquid Petroleum Gas

Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) is almost universally used in vehicles as a convenient and safe source of heat for cooking, running refrigerators and heating water. A mixture of LPG and air can, however, be highly explosive particularly in confined spaces such as mobiles. Great care must therefore be taken to avoid leaks of gas into the cooking area where there are naked flames.

Gas bottles must never be stored inside your vehicle.

A gas storage compartment must separate the gas bottles from the inside of the mobile by a wall which has at least half hour fire resistance and is also gas tight. The door to the compartment must be on the outside - there must be ventilation holes in the floor as the gas is heavier than air. The gas bottles must be securely held in position. The gas supply should be turned off when in transit. An emergency shut off valve should be provided inside the vehicle.

It is recommended that gas appliances are fitted with a flame failure device which cuts off the gas if the flame goes out and each appliance should have a tap so that it can be independently disconnected from the gas supply.

It is essential that all systems and fittings are installed and tested annually by a Gas Safe approved person.


Note that carnival does NOT provide an electricity supply to stalls. You may bring your own petrol or diesel generator, subject to the following:

  • Generators must NOT be run within the stall block. Carnival will provide a separate generator bay, with fencing, fire extinguisher and cable ducting to the stall block. (This does not apply to battery driven inverters, which may be sited in-stall)
  • The bay may be up to 50m from your stall, and you must bring adequate cabling to connect.
  • Cabling must be laid within the safety ducting provided by carnival.
  • Refuelling is not permitted on site. Please ensure that your generator is adequately fuelled for the day's trading.
  • You must indicate on stall booking form that you will be bringing a generator, and there is a small surcharge on top of the stall price for this. (this is to cover our costs for the provision of ducting, etc)

Electrical equipment, wiring, etc. must be to appropriate standards and maintained in good condition. Any maintenance/installation work should be carried out by a competent electrician.

All electrical equipment must have a current PAT test certificate and a sticker attached to each piece of electrical equipment. (Not Battery powered)

Fire Precautions

  • The exit from the stall/mobile should be kept free from obstruction.
  • A fire blanket and a 9kg. Dry Powder extinguisher suitable for fat or electrical fires should be available in a prominent position near the exit from the stall/mobile (hot food and drink providers only)


Health and Safety law requires that the proprietor of a business must carry out a risk assessment. Please email a copy of your risk assessment to [email protected].

Hanwell Carnival

Health & Safety Guide

All Traders & Charity / community stall holders



This booklet is intended as a practical guide for traders coming to the Hanwell Carnival. The Carnival runs for one day, although members of the public will be on site from 12:00 till 6pm. The Carnival is situated in Elthorne Park and some degree of planning is required by you before you start your journey. Most of the items mentioned in this booklet relate to the health and safety of you, your staff and members of the public. Please make sure you can answer ‘yes' to all the questions in the fire precautions check list at the end of this document. It will be an offence to operate if you cannot.


1. Electricity

You must arrange with the organiser in advance if you wish to bring a generator on site. Should you require the use of electricity you should have your stall's electrical wiring and appliances tested by a qualified electrician. A copy of the electrician's test certificate (preferably NICEIC approved) MUST be available for examination. ALL Electrical appliances used on site must have a currant PAT test certificate and a sticker on the appliance showing it is within test date. All electrical wiring, sockets and plugs unless specifically adapted for outdoor use must be protected from the elements. If your electrical wiring is checked on site and found to be defective you will be immediately stopped from trading.

2. Gas Appliances / Gas Cylinders

Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) has caused accidents at other festivals, and has resulted in people suffering severe burns. As a result, the amount of LPG you bring onto the site will be limited to the equivalent of one day's supply.

In order to prevent accidents the Health & Safety Officer has specified certain requirements for the use of the gas appliances -

  1. No heating or cooking appliance is to be installed inside a tent or stand which is not especially laid out for that purpose.
  2. Appliances must be fixed securely on a firm non-combustible heat insulating base and be surrounded by shields of similar material on three sides. The shields must be at least 600mm away from combustible materials and care must be taken to ensure that no combustible materials can be blown against the apparatus.
  3. All stands using gas cylinders should be checked by a qualified person who is Gas Safe Registered to ensure the apparatus is safely installed.
  4. All cylinders should be located outside tents or stands in the open air. Only cylinders using pressure release valves should be used. Gas cylinders should always be secured in an upright position.
  5. Cylinders must be kept away from entrances, emergency exits and public areas.
  6. Fixed piping is to be used where possible. However, if flexible tubing is used, it should be suitable for its purpose, e.g. to the appropriate British Standard and if necessary, provided with mechanical protection to minimise damage. Tubing should be crimped or secured by a suitable hose clip (not a jubilee clip), or similar and be gas tight. When not required, gas supplies should be isolated at the cylinder as well as at the appliance.
  7. Replacement cartridges for portable gas appliances should be fitted in the open air away from sources of ignition.
  8. Combustible materials must be kept at least 1.5 m away from gas cylinders. Please ensure that your equipment meets all legal requirements. It is unlikely that you will be able to obtain spares to rectify any faults once you have reached the Festival, so make sure your equipment is safe before you leave home!

3. Generators

  1. All portable generators will have low noise emissions and be fitted with Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers and earth spikes conforming to BS 7430: 1991 Code of Practice for earthing. Generators must be sited in the generator bays provided by carnival, with the cables run through the ducting (also provided by carnival). The bays may be up to 20 metres from your stall block, and you must ensure that you bring sufficient cabling with you to cross this distance. Supply cables must be of the correct rating for the maximum possible load with no damage to the insulation and fitted with the correct type of connectors for external use.
  2. Fuelling is not permitted onsite. You must ensure that your generator arrives onsite with adequate fuel for the day’s trading.
  3. Armoured cabling will be installed for hazardous voltages e.g. those which could cause electric shock if damaged, protecting against contact with sharp edges or crushing by heavy loads.

Generator Checklist

  • Generators fuelled
  • Silenced generator sets used
  • Generators secured from public access
  • Generators earthed
  • Adequate number of fire extinguishers
  • All cabling matted
Please note that our Health & Safety Officers will prohibit the use of any unsafe equipment they find.

4. Fire Fighting Equipment

Provision must be made for fire fighting. All extinguishers must be properly maintained and regularly inspected (within last 12 months) and all staff should be made familiar with the use of the appliances. Some extinguishers are not suitable for certain types of fires e.g. a foam extinguisher is unsuitable for tackling an LPG fire. All stall holders using cooking equipment Gas (Dry Powder) or Electricity (Carbon Dioxide or Dry Powder) are requested to bring appropriate fire extinguishers.

5. Fire Risk Assessment & Evacuation in event of an emergency e.g. fire

If staff is employed on the stall then you must carry out a Fire Risk Assessment. If you employ 5 or more persons then the risk assessment must be written down and a copy brought on the day.

We are issuing a plan of the park which has divided the park into zones. Each zone will be evacuated via a designated exit route. You MUST familiarize yourself with the plan, the zone you are located in and your designated exit route. Should we need to evacuate the park you are expected to direct persons on your stall to the exit route. Carnival staff will take charge in such an event, please assist them as directed.

6. First Aid

If you are employing anyone on your stall then you MUST provide a well-stocked first aid kit and keep it in a position accessible to all staff.


7. Safety Policy

If you employ 5 or more people, you are required by law to produce a written health and safety policy which your staff must read, understand and follow.

The written policy must:

  1. a) State your general policy on health and safety
  2. b) State who is responsible for carrying out the policy
  3. c) Be revised whenever appropriate
Further information and advice on compiling a safety policy can be obtained from your local Environmental Health Department.

8. Risk Assessment

You are required to assess the risks to your workers, and any others who may be affected by their work activities, and if you employ 5 or more staff you must record any significant findings of that assessment.

An assessment of risk is nothing more than a careful examination of what in your work could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. The aim is to make sure no one gets hurt or becomes ill. The most commonly reported accidents at the Festival relate to slips, trips and falls, falls from heights and transport issues. Make sure your risk assessments take these risks into account.

If there are certain risks associated with your workplace you are required to carry out specific risk assessments. These relate principally to working with chemicals, manual handling issues, noise and risk to children, young people and pregnant women that are at work.

Further information and advice on the undertaking or risk assessments can be obtained from your local Environmental Health Department.

9. The Reporting of Accidents

Any accidents on site to staff involving a fracture, amputation, loss of consciousness or admission to hospital for more than 24 hours must be reported under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013). In any case, the Hanwell Carnival Committee will need to know. Please complete the Hanwell Carnival Accident Report Form in Appendix 3 and email a copy to Mike Gahan, Chairman of Hanwell Carnival at [email protected]. Should an incident occur on your stall please inform a member of the Carnival Staff. Any major incident will be investigated by the Health & Safety Officers.

10. Information for Caterers

This section is also relevant for stall-holders preparing and serving food. You are all responsible for knowing and complying with the relevant legal requirements for all Health & Safety aspects applicable to your activities, in particular;

  • Those cooking and preparing food must hold a Basic Food & Hygiene Certificate obtained within the last three years. This should be accessible for inspection on the day.
  • Those serving food will need to be aware of personal hygiene and food safety issues including serving temperature control.
Requirements include:
  • Each caterer should identify and control any potential food and health & Safety hazards
  • All food handlers must wear clean, washable, protective over-clothing i.e.: white coats plus head covering and must maintain a high level of personal hygiene
  • Each caterer should supply facilities for hand washing, including anti-bacterial hand wash and disposable paper towels. A standpipe will be available on site to provide running water
  • Ensure that the surfaces and equipment used for production and sale of food are suitable and kept hygienically clean at all times
  • Ensure that food is transported and stored adequately and cleanly and kept separate from any potential contamination
  • Each caterer is responsible for the collection and disposal of their waste. Caterers who fail to comply will not be offered a pitch space next year
  • Each caterer should have a first aid kit containing sufficient blue waterproof plasters etc.
  • Each caterer must provide the correct type of fire extinguisher and fire blanket
  • Check all electrical equipment before use
  • Hot cooking equipment must have a suitable barrier to protect the public
  • Caterers requiring electricity will need to bring their own generator. If gas or electrical equipment is used installation compliance certificates must be carried.
  • Menus and prices must be clearly visible
  • Each caterer must have public liability insurance and where applicable employers liabilities insurance.

11. Other General Issues

  • Be prepared. We would like to stress that it is important that you bring sufficient items to the Carnival with you as access to and from the site will be difficult once the event is underway.
  • Be careful when you are handling stock. Do not lift loads that are too heavy, ask a friend to help you.
  • Please make sure there are no tripping hazards in and around your stall and you keep the area free of rubbish to minimise the risk of fire.
  • Please bag all refuse throughout the day. There are skips onsite please ensure that your refuse is disposed of in the skips.
  • There is no smoking in any Tent, Marquee, Gazebo or Vehicle.